10 extraordinary health benefits of chia seeds

2022-07-23 04:31:15 By : Ms. Dolly Hwang

In recent years chia seeds have grown to be the star ingredient of almost every healthy recipe out there. Ranging from your daily cereal to protein bars chia seeds are everywhere. But what are chia seeds? Are there any real benefits of chia seeds? Let’s find out!

We all have that friend who always advocates how chia seeds have changed her life. In fact, anyone who is even a little mindful about their diet is likely to have tried chia seeds.  This formerly overlooked food item has quickly gained a lot of attention for good reasons. As a matter of fact, it has evolved into the modern superfood staple. Although these seeds might look tiny they are largely loaded with lofty levels of omega 3, protein, and even fiber. 

Although chia seeds are the new trendy superfood right now, let us assure you, they are worth all the hype. Humans have been eating chia seeds for thousands of years. Derived from a desert plant called Salvia hispanica, (member of the mint family) chia seeds have been offering a ton of nourishment in a very small package. Health experts refer to chia seeds as a nutritional powerhouse. But, what exactly are chia seeds? How do they benefit our body? And how to incorporate them into our diets? Here is all you need to know.

Chia seeds have always been lauded as an ingredient that boosts the intake of all the important nutrients. From smoothies to salads, chia seeds can be added to almost any dish of your choice. But what are chia seeds?

As the name suggests chia seeds are small round-shaped “seeds” that can be black, white, or brown in color. It’s derived from Salvia hispanica which is a flowering plant in the mint family. It is a sustainable crop that needs very little water to survive. Chia seeds are superfoods that are surprisingly easy to digest. This versatile ingredient has the power to absorb around 12 times its weight in liquid. In fact, chia seeds form a gel around them when mixed in liquid, this is what gives it a very distinctive texture. Chia seeds are that mini but mighty ingredient that can make any regular recipe into a healthy nutrition-filled meal. Chia seeds offer a number of nutrients like fiber, protein, manganese, calcium, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. Naturally, these offer a number of health benefits. Consistent incorporation of chia seeds works to promote well-nourished skin, visibly reduce signs of aging, boost digestion and promote stronger bones.

Historically, chia seeds were referred to as the runner’s food as they worked as an energy source for warriors who ran long distances or fought for an extended period of time. According to Ayurveda, chia seeds hold the power to purify the blood and improve digestion. Not just that, it works to improve kidney health and ensures utmost hydration. In fact, in the Mayan language, chia actually means “strength.” So, every time you feel a little low on energy you can count on a chia seed recipe to boost you up. 

When it comes to nutrition, chia seeds are a powerhouse. They are abundant in protein, fiber, manganese, phosphorus, and even calcium. Also, they are an excellent source of antioxidants and omega-3s (polyunsaturated fatty acids.) The U.S. Department of Agriculture states that one ounce  of dried chia seeds (that’s about 28 grams) has the following nutritional value: 

Therefore, just one serving of dried chia seeds can have around 137 calories, 5 grams of protein, 10 grams of fiber, 12 grams of carbohydrate, and 9 grams of fat, of which 8 grams are heart-healthy fats. Apart from all the above-listed nutrients chia seeds are also rich in vitamins A, B, E, and D along with minerals like iron, iodine, copper, magnesium, niacin, and thiamine.

Chia seeds are power-packed with nutrients which allows them to deliver plenty of nutritional and health benefits. In fact, experts claim chia seeds are excellent for a weight loss diet. Not just that, they are known to improve heart health, promote better digestion and help you fight your urge to overeat. Not just that, chia seeds are known to prevent cancer and diabetes as well. Read on to find out all the exceptional health benefits of chia seeds in detail and why you should immediately add them to your daily diet. 

Loaded with over 11 grams of fiber in just a single ounce, chia seeds are capable of fulfilling up to 44 percent of your fiber requirements for a day. Since chia seeds are abundant in their fiber content, they work to boost overall digestion. Whether it's the prevention of constipation or a healthier bowel movement, the fiber content in chia seeds can fix about anything. Plus, it also serves as a prebiotic that fuels beneficial bacteria in the gut. Not just that, it even works to absorb the right amount of water that helps you feel full for an extended period of time. It helps in getting rid of any overeating habits. 

Chia seeds are strikingly rich in antioxidants, that effectively work to fight any free radicals. This avoids any skin damage due to harmful free radicals and prevents oxidative stress. Plus, it also promotes faster tissue repair and protection against any potential skin damage. Chia seeds are one of the richest food items when it comes to antioxidant content. You must consider adding it to your diet to prevent any early signs of aging and protection from any environmental damage as well. 

Chia seeds are extraordinarily rich in antioxidants, fiber as well as heart-healthy fats. This is what makes them incredibly healthy for our heart health. Not only does it promote the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but it also helps in their management. It is known to prevent any signs of inflammation and at the same time keep cholesterol and blood pressure in check. With high quantities of omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds actively lower blood pressure, manage cholesterol levels and prevent any inflammation. This minimizes any risk of coronary heart disease.

4. Helps in the management of blood sugar levels

Chia seeds can actively help in the management of blood sugar levels in the body. Studies have shown that with the abundance of alpha-linolenic acid and fiber, chia seeds can help in the management of normal blood sugar levels. In fact, it also helps in fighting against type 2 diabetes.

5. Promotes energy levels and boosts exercise performance

Chia seeds are popular for being the athlete’s food. They have the power to deliver all the essential energy by delivering essential carbs and maximizing the storage of glycogen in the muscles. Studies have also shown that the consumption of chia is better than sports drinks when it comes to enhancing exercise performance and workouts. Also, it has no unnecessary preservatives, sugar, and added flavors as compared to sports drinks which makes it a surprisingly effective energy drink ingredient. 

Chia seeds are also super-rich in their protein content which helps the body to build muscle mass while increasing strength. Studies have proven that chia seeds are an excellent post-workout meal as they promote the restoration of muscle tissues and effectively reduce muscle recovery time. 

Chia seeds are also proven to strengthen bones while bone density. In fact, it is also known to promote serious bone-related conditions like osteoporosis. With a high quantity of calcium and manganese, chia seeds work as a food for the bones. That is because calcium plays a major role in the maintenance of bone strength and bone density. Along with that manganese plays a very important role in bone metabolism. Just one ounce of chia seeds can fulfill 18 percent of our body’s calcium needs and around 30 percent of manganese requirements which is beyond impressive. 

7. Helps in weight loss and management

Chia seeds are naturally in rich protein which works best to deliver stronger but leaner muscles and help in burning fat while effectively managing hunger and appetite. In fact, studies have shown an increase in weight loss by increasing the chia seed intake. It works by curbing any food cravings while reducing the overall caloric intake. Another study proves that chia seeds reduce the levels of ghrelin which is a hormone responsible for hunger stimulation. However, the best part is chia seeds reduce hunger while maintaining the energy levels of the body. 

Chia seeds are full of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which is a type of omega-3 fatty acid that is cancer-fighting in nature. Studies from the Journal of Molecular Biochemistry have shown that alpha-linolenic acid effectively assists in the reduction of both breast and cervical cancer-causing cells. In fact, chia seeds are capable of killing cancer-causing cells without harming any other cells in the body, it's almost miraculous. 

Chia seeds are rich in calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamin A which helps in the overall improvement of dental and oral health. Calcium being the building block of teeth works to maintain overall health while zinc helps in the prevention of tartar and mineralization of teeth due to plaque. Zinc is also full of antibacterial qualities which helps in the prevention of bad breath. Vitamin A and phosphorus are also incredibly vital for better and strong teeth. 

10. Easy to add to your daily diet

Another exceptional benefit that chia seeds have is they are incredibly easy to incorporate into our daily diet. They almost taste like poppy seeds which are distinct but not very strong. Plus, they have the power to deliver an amazing texture to your food. They don't need to be pre-cooked before adding which makes them a handy addition to almost all your recipes. Eat it raw, or simply sprinkle it on your desserts, rice, yogurt, vegetables, smoothies, cereal, or even juices; they’ll blend right in without overpowering the taste. Plus, they have the ability to absorb water, so you can actually use chia seeds to improve the consistency of your sauces and can be used as an egg substitute in your recipes. 

Whether you go for black, white, milled, pre-hydrated, or dried chia seeds, they are all pretty easy to incorporate into the daily diet. However, dried chia is the easiest and the most popular way to incorporate it. Apart from that, people also go for chia seed oil that can be topically applied for better skin health. Regardless of what kind of chia seeds you go for, it is important to pick organic seeds. Once you know what to pick from the grocery store aisles, all you need to know is what kind of chia seeds recipes are the most effective. While chia seeds can be added to almost any recipe, here are the most common chia seed recipes to help you make the most of this healthy ingredient. 

Just like any other food item, chia seeds need to be incorporated in moderation. However, overconsuption of chia seeds may lead to side effects like stomach discomfort perhaps due to high fiber content which can usually be fixed by drinking plenty of water. 

Chia seeds are incredibly rich in health benefits like boosting a healthy heart, promoting healthy skin, and aiding the management of weight. They can easily be incorporated into any diet to fulfill almost all the nutrition requirements of the body. Whether you add them to your smoothies, protein bars, oatmeal, yogurt, or baked goods, they can prove to be a delicious way to deliver a multitude of healthful nutrients. 

Also Read: Chia Seeds Recipes: 5 Easy and healthy dishes that combine flavour and nutrition

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